Thursday, November 26, 2015

Major London Baseball

Major League Baseball is in talks with London, England officials, considering a regular season series being hosted there in 2017. Baseball is the only large American sport that hasn't had a series played across the pond in the past few years; the NFL and NBA have had games played there recently. If the plan were to fall in place, the games would most likely take place at Olympic Stadium in London. This stadium was originally built to house the 2012 Summer Games and is now being converted to the home of the West Ham Football Club. While there are other cities/countries that are more immersed in the game of baseball that could host the series, I think London is a great choice for the MLB to seek out. I know that the people of London love their sports, and I think introducing them to baseball firsthand would be wonderful. If MLB and London do strike a deal, I would personally love to see the games in London live in person. London is at the top of my list of places I want to visit and adding baseball to the itinerary only makes me want to go more. Some say that playing regular season games in another country is unfair to players, because of jet lag and unfamiliarity with the venue, but I feel that the fact that another country will be introduced to baseball is important to acknowledge as well. It also helps baseball fans in the U.S. to discover other stadiums and places around the world. We don't know for sure yet if MLB and London will come to an agreement, but I truly hope they do.

I guess I better start saving up for my 2017 trip to London now...
(if I'm not living there already by then... hint hint Niall Horan)

By the way, I may be a little biased considering my favorite band performed at the Closing Ceremonies for the Summer Games at Olympic Stadium in 2012... Maybe. ;)

Photos: BBC
             The Mirror UK

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