Thursday, November 26, 2015

Major London Baseball

Major League Baseball is in talks with London, England officials, considering a regular season series being hosted there in 2017. Baseball is the only large American sport that hasn't had a series played across the pond in the past few years; the NFL and NBA have had games played there recently. If the plan were to fall in place, the games would most likely take place at Olympic Stadium in London. This stadium was originally built to house the 2012 Summer Games and is now being converted to the home of the West Ham Football Club. While there are other cities/countries that are more immersed in the game of baseball that could host the series, I think London is a great choice for the MLB to seek out. I know that the people of London love their sports, and I think introducing them to baseball firsthand would be wonderful. If MLB and London do strike a deal, I would personally love to see the games in London live in person. London is at the top of my list of places I want to visit and adding baseball to the itinerary only makes me want to go more. Some say that playing regular season games in another country is unfair to players, because of jet lag and unfamiliarity with the venue, but I feel that the fact that another country will be introduced to baseball is important to acknowledge as well. It also helps baseball fans in the U.S. to discover other stadiums and places around the world. We don't know for sure yet if MLB and London will come to an agreement, but I truly hope they do.

I guess I better start saving up for my 2017 trip to London now...
(if I'm not living there already by then... hint hint Niall Horan)

By the way, I may be a little biased considering my favorite band performed at the Closing Ceremonies for the Summer Games at Olympic Stadium in 2012... Maybe. ;)

Photos: BBC
             The Mirror UK

Friday, November 13, 2015

600 Chris Denorfia Bobbleheads Mysteriously Left on San Diego Resident's Doorstep

If I woke up to 600 bobbleheads on my doorstep, I wouldn't question it, I would just add them to my
collection. Yet I know, this would not be the case for everyone, including Philip Jia. When he and his roommates walked outside to hundreds of mysterious boxes piled along their doorstep, they immediately contacted police. Turns out it was only 600 Chris Denorfia Padres bobbleheads. The SDPD said it was definitely the strangest call they had ever received. Nobody knows who dropped off the bobbleheads or why. Jia and his roommates had never even heard of Chris Denorfia, but they are now his biggest fans. They are now using the bobbleheads for dog toys, stacking them along their condo walls, gifting them as Halloween party favors, and giving them away to friends. They have considered selling them, but they don't go for much on eBay, considering Denorfia now plays for the Chicago Cubs.

I am curious about Chris Denorfia's thoughts on this whole debacle. Hey, maybe he was the one who dropped them off? Maybe he was cleaning out his garage and thought that perhaps having 600 of his own bobblehead was a bit excessive? Who knows... We may never know who Bobblehead Santa is... My only peeve about this whole situation--- Why do I have to wait in line for two/three hours for ONE bobblehead, yet these people who don't even like baseball get 600 DELIVERED RIGHT TO THEIR DOORSTEP?! Life can be so unfair sometimes...

News Video of Bobbleheadgate:

Photo: NBC San Diego

Mark Kotsay Returns to A's as Bench Coach

I remember Mark Kotsay being one of my favorite A's players back when I was in elementary school. Such a great player, with a great baseball mentality, and fantastic leadership skills. I always predicted that he would become a coach in the MLB someday. It was announced yesterday that he will be Bob Melvin's bench coach next season. He spent last year as the San Diego Padres hitting coach, so this will be an important promotion in Kotsay's career. He and Bob Melvin simply had lunch in Jack London Square last week, talked about their philosophies and approaches (which were similar) and decided Kotsay would be a good fit to come back to Oakland. 

This last season for the A's was disappointing to say the least, especially after the past few years they have had, winning the AL West and Wild Card. The only way they are going to improve is if some positive changes are made. The World Series just finished recently, so the hot stove is just getting warm, but I think bringing back Kotsay to improve the coaching staff is the first step in the right direction for the A's. 

I am personally very excited to see Kotsay in the bench coach role for the A's. The changes to the coaching staff were kind of a shock when Mike Gallego and Tye Waller were fired, but at least the front office and Bob Melvin are trying to get the team back to their winning ways. I feel confident with the decision to move Mike Aldrete from bench coach to first, and love Ron Washington at third, like I always have. Between Wash on third, Curt Young as pitching coach, and Kotsay back in the dugout, the 2016 season is going to feel like I'm watching my beloved 2006 A's team all over again.... That means 2016 is 10 years since the 2006 A's won the division and made it to the ALCS... I am getting old. 

My hope is that Kotsay's fun spirit, baseball knowledge, and leadership skills can lead the A's to be just as good, if not better than that 2006 team. 

Photos: SF Gate

P.S. Quick shameless plug... One Direction's new album "Made In The AM" came out today! (Which I listened to the entire time I wrote this). Highly recommend that you check it out. If you don't think you like One Direction's music, listen to this album & I guarantee you will change your mind. Their vocals on this album are the best out of the 5, & the songs the boys wrote are absolutely phenomenal.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Big Threeunion

Today was a important and memorable day for Bay Area baseball fans. September 26, 2015 was marked as the first and only time pitchers, Barry Zito and Tim Hudson would start against each other. The Battle of the Bay is always exciting, but the fact that Zito and Hudson have both played for the A's and the Giants gave this game an even more memorable storyline. Both Zito and Hudson were a part of the A's "Big Three" back in the early 2000s with their former teammate, Mark Mulder. My most early memories of A's baseball included these three and their amazing pitching capabilities. (That Zito curveball still makes me as giddy as it did back in the day). Considering they were in their prime several years ago, it is understandable why today was an important goodbye for fans as well as Zito and Hudson.

Zito and Hudson both walked out to the bullpen mounds for their warm up pitches to standing ovations from A's and Giants fans alike. The A's (thanks to a mass text by Jesse Chavez) made a sweet gesture by having all players wear high socks in honor of Barry Zito's favored uniform look. I was disappointed that the Giants didn't shave their heads bald and grow soul patches in honor of Huddy, though.

Klay Thompson of the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors threw out the ceremonial first pitch, then Zito took the Coliseum mound for his (most likely) last start in the Majors. Mulder watched from his suite in the outfield. He, along with Zito and Hudson will throw out the ceremonial first pitches prior to tomorrow's contest. Seeing Mulder watch his former teammates and the emotions he had that came with that made me feel for him. His attempted comeback with the Angels last season fell short due to a torn achilles. Even though he will be remembered by A's and baseball fans for years to come, I know his love for the game makes him wish he could have gotten back on the mound last year.

When the first half inning was over, Tim Hudson took the mound, accompanied by his walk-out song, Sweet Home Alabama. It is very abnormal for an opposing pitcher to get walk-out music on the road, but this gesture shows how much respect the A's still have for Huddy and his accomplishments with them years ago.

#ZitovsHudson did not end up being the storybook matchup we were all hoping for. Hudson was lifted in the second inning with 1.1 IP and 2 ER. Zito was lifted by Bob Melvin in high socks in the third inning with 2.0 IP and 4 ER. Both left to standing ovations and came out inbetween innings to tip their caps to the Bay Area crowd.

Seeing Zito start for the A's for the first time since Game 1 of the 2006 ALCS gave me serious nostalgia. Back then, I was in middle school and had the biggest crush on Eric Chavez. A lot has changed in those 9 years, for example, I'm now in college and have the biggest crush on a boyband member. Well, I guess not that much has changed, I mean Chavy is still pretty darn cute.

A's and Giants fans rarely come together for something, but both fanbases can agree that Zito and Hudson both meant something to the team they care about most. Although A's fans weren't happy with the outcome, it was a great game to help us look back on the past. Remembering those great A's teams from the early 2000s helps gives me hope for the future after an extremely rough season.

Congrats to Barry Zito, Tim Hudson, and Mark Mulder. Thank you for showcasing your talents in the Bay.
Happy Retirement, Big Three... Thanks for making me feel so old. <3

Oakland Athletics

Friday, September 25, 2015

Baseball Games are a Family Affair

Last night at Petco Park, Alexi Amarista led the Padres to a big 9th inning walk-off win over the Giants, but the biggest feat of the night happened near the team store in the 3rd inning.

The Padres newest little fan, Levi, was born near the Gaslamp Gate entrance of the ballpark. His mother went into labor, and Petco Park nurse, Donna Borowy knew that there was no time to make it to a hospital.
Talk about acquiring young talent....

I assume that having a baby in a baseball stadium is not every woman's dream, but it is now one of mine. I mean, it would honestly be just like a relaxing at home birth, in my opinion.

I suspect that the name Levi was already previously chosen for him (would've really fit if he was born at Levi's Stadium), but I think having a baby under a special circumstance like this calls for a name change. Perhaps Gwynn, or Kemp, or Rzepczynski would have been a better fit.
No matter his name, he and his family will have this story to tell for years to come. He can tell all the kids in his classes at school, "I was born at Petco Park, before a Padres no-hitter was even born there."

Last night was a also a promotional "College Night" at Petco Park. As a future SDSU student, I am a fan of discounted games for San Diego college students, but perhaps next year's promotion on September 24th should be a Padres Baby Onesie giveaway, with Levi throwing out the first pitch as a one year old. Just saying...

KZMets MLBlogs

Monday, July 20, 2015

One Direction On the Road Again Tour Santa Clara- Levi's Stadium

I know it has now been over a week since OTRA Santa Clara, but I literally could not bring myself to write about it until now. Post Concert Depression is very real and has been taking over my life for the past week. When I went to the Rose Bowl on Niall's Birthday during the Where We Are Tour, I told myself that I would never experience that amazing of a concert again... I was wrong.

We headed down to Santa Clara on Friday, the night before the concert. We stayed at a nearby hotel, not wanting to park on a golf course again and sit in traffic afterwards for three hours like we did in Pasadena last September. Before dinner that night we took a walk over to Levi's and saw the stage being set up and tested as well as took a walk around outside the beautiful stadium. The setup of Levi's Stadium is small, simple, but very sophisticated as well. Even their trash cans were awesome.

The next morning I reluctantly ate breakfast with a nervous stomach & got ready. We walked over and purchased our merch and got in line. We talked with others, passed out some 1DFansGive stickers, and got massive sunburns/windburns that were well worth it. One girl behind us in line "bragged" and said she "saw Paul earlier today" and I was dying inside with want to tell her. That was the only carroty encounter of the day, thankfully except for the 12 year olds in I Heart 1D shirts going from floor to floor in our hotel trying to find the boys (they weren't there). If they were old enough to have a twitter, they would have known that the boys flew in and out of NorCal the same day. Once it was time to go in, we were just thankful that our bags were accepted through security. One thing that sucks about Levi's is their HORRENDOUS bag policy. Thank God I am a Niners fan and had a acceptable clear bag.

Getting to go on the field was amazing. I knew I was going to be able to see the boys much clearer than in Pasadena, and as a huge 49ers fan, it was awesome to be able to sit where my boys play.

One Direction's opening act, Icona Pop came on at 7. They were fine, I wasn't a huge fan though. I was dying with anticipation for the boys to come out. I had seen them in person before, but never this close. I was freaking out knowing that this time it would hit me that they are actually REAL PEOPLE.

The boys came out at around 9pm. They were absolutely fantastic, as per usual. I love sports and the feelings a game can give me, but no game can ever compare to the feelings a One Direction concert gives me. Seeing their beautiful faces right before my eyes, hearing their gorgeous voices live without lip syncing like most artists today, and seeing them interact with the crowd always makes me feel so proud to call them my role models and idols. They truly are genuine, normal guys living out their dreams. They are so talented, it's ridiculous.

There were so many amazing moments. I have to highlight a few.....

Liam- Changing the lyrics in Steal My Girl to "Every jaw drop when she's in Levi Jeans"
Breakdancing to Rock Your Body by JT
Pretending to eat Niall's Hamburger Hat
Laying with Niall when Harry told us to give the person next to us a hug
Being Daddy AF constantly

Harry- Gold Boots
Making the crowd moan with him
Freaking out cause the 9 months pregnant lady left early
Cardboard Cutout of himself during SOML
Packers Cheese Head
Having no chill, whatsoever

Niall- The "Where We Going Today Mark?" he posted on Instagram before the show
Square Dancing with Liam during Act My Age
Saying "Hella" in a California accent like 100 times throughout the entire concert
Talking about Levi's Stadium and how it's "brand spankin new"
Getting huffy cause a fan was throwing water at him when he had his electric guitar "Electricity."
"It's the Niall Tour"
Dancing like a leprechaun during Act My Age
Wearing a hamburger hat
Suggestive facial expressions while singing
"Harry, I need to do a wee, wait for me"
Being the hottest little Irish noodle I've ever seen

Louis- Pinching Liam's nipple during Little Things
Playing Rock Paper Scissors with Liam
"I'm gonna go for a piss"
Thanking us for the 'No Control Project'
Saying "Santa Clara" in his amazingly precious English accent
Slaying No Control
Being the perfect hedgehog/English Muffin that he is

After the concert, I took a minute to try to figure out if I was still alive. I collected some Levi's Stadium field grass for my sports collection, took the Levi's floor seat signs, collected some Stockholm Syndrome Streamers and we began our trek back to the hotel, after taking a picture with the field/stage behind us.

I also saw this on the camera stand as we left. How much ya wanna bet it was Louis?------------>

When we got back to the hotel, we could see the traffic for getting out of the parking lot and were immediately thankful we chose to stay overnight. I sat at the desk in the hotel room and just stared at the wall for awhile trying to comprehend what I had just witnessed. I know that sounds ridiculous, but when you see their perfect faces maybe 10 feet from you and hear their voices live, you can't help but question the meaning of life. The post concert depression began the second the concert ended, and I still haven't recovered. Hell, I still have Rose Bowl PCD. All in all, it was the most amazing night of my life.

My sister took AMAZING video of the concert. I will link the Youtube playlist here. She recorded all songs except Don't Forget Where You Belong, Alive, and Diana. I took videos of the boys talking and Story of My Life with my iPhone if you wanna watch:

P.S. One annoying story from the night: This old lady was sat next to me in my row. She had a couple kids with her, YOUNG kids. When the concert started, they couldn't see (even though they could've cared less), so she took them closer. Naturally, I moved down the row so I could get an even better view (along with the other people in my row). The security finally made her go back to her seat during Little Things. Right as Niall's part came on she comes up to me rudely and barks that we are all in her seats all while pushing on me. If you know me, you know that the two things you do not do to me are interrupt me watching a sporting event or interrupt me during a Niall solo. I ignored her and sang along while staring at the perfection that is Niall James Horan until he had finished. I then told my mom to scoot over cause the lady had come back. I may not have said it nicely and I know the lady heard me, but I was so annoyed with her. They left after Story of My Life, apparently not realizing that there were still 4 songs to be sung during the encore.... Here's a PSA: ONE DIRECTION ARE NOT FOR CHILDREN. Several crotch grabs, suggestive lyrics, Harry moaning, Liam being Liam, Harry during the "You can get, get anything that you want" part in Kiss You, Niall thrusting during Diana, and just No Control in general are a few examples of why not to bring your 4 year old to a concert. I mean her one boy just stared up at me the entire time (not that it stopped me from acting 1DAF). And ladies, let's think next time before we interrupt a teenaged girl from watching her favorite band, especially when her favorite member is singing. Simply ask me to scoot down so you can fit back in, AFTER THE SONG HAS FINISHED. Stay in your assigned seats, and stay in your lane.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Athletic Direction

I am always trying to think of ways to combine my love for sports and One Direction. Whether it's Niall at a soccer match or Harry at a Dodgers game, it is guaranteed that I love when my worlds collide. When watching the NBA Finals and observing the sass that Draymond Green exudes, I immediately thought of Louis Tomlinson. I realized that the members of One Direction and some of my favorite athletes share the same personality traits. So I thought, what better way to combine my loves than to highlight Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niall's personality traits and compare them to the world's most popular athletes. First up, my beloved English Muffin, Tommo,

Louis Tomlinson:

Trait- Sassiness
Athlete Comparison- Draymond Green

Whether he is roasting Dahntay Jones or making fun of the Cavs at the Warriors Championship parade, you can always be 100% sure that Draymond Green has his sassy pants on.

Between owning Naughty Boy on Twitter and his famous line "Have you quite finished", Louis always makes you feel the want to join the Sassy Club. I mean, his nickname is "Sassmaster from Doncaster", so that pretty much explains it all.

Trait- Ass
Athlete- Brett Lawrie

If you are like my mom, you make sure to get to A's games early enough so you can see Brett Lawrie stretch. There is no doubt that the A's have some booty at the hot corner.

Louis definitely has some ass to go along with his sass, that's for sure.

Trait- Big Heart 
Athlete- Sean Doolittle

Sean Doolittle and his girlfriend, Eireann recently took part in A's Pride Night, in a partnership with "Our Space" to help bring LGBT issues to light. Sean also does a lot of charity work having to do with military families in honor of his family.

Louis is very passionate about "The Eden Dora Trust". He has become a patron of Eden's charity and meets with her to lift her spirits and raises awareness for her brain injury. He is always tweeting about charity and works with the other boys to help give back as well. Charity soccer matches in his hometown, among other events show that he uses the resources that he has been given to help others.

Trait- Height
Athlete- Jose Altuve

The Astros second baseman may be "vertically challenged" at 5' 5", but his offensive and defensive capabilities overshadow that small detail.

Louis may be the oldest member of the group, but he is also the shortest. He says he is 5' 9", but fans tend to disagree. His mom said she will measure him next time he is home. Only then will the great question of Louis' height be answered.

Liam Payne:

Trait- "Daddy"
Athlete- David "Big Papi" Ortiz

Big Papi has been a member of the Boston Red Sox since 2003. He is very well known in Boston and is still a very important member of the team. Being a veteran with a nickname like "Big Papi", it is understandable why he takes on the role as the "dad" of the team.

Liam has been known as the "Daddy" of the group since the band was formed. Especially at the beginning, Liam was always adamant on taking care of the other boys and was keen on making sure the band became a success.
Nowadays, that "Dad" trait still stands somewhat, but the term "Daddy" also refers to Liam in another way as well. Sometimes when you look at a picture of him, there is no other way to describe him other than just using the word "Daddy".  His Justin Timberlake-like looks can lead you to understand why he has been given the name "Daddy Direction".

Trait- Arms 
Athlete- Giancarlo Stanton

Giancarlo Stanton is one of the best power hitters in Major League Baseball. He has 27 home runs already this season with the Miami Marlins. If you are going to hit baseballs like that, you gotta have some muscles, and the ESPN Body issue a couple years ago proved to us that he does.

Liam definitely gets the award for "Best Arms in the Band". Every 1D fan remembers when the boys would sing "Summer Love" on the Take Me Home Tour and how we all gushed over Liam's arms as he sang his solo with all the passion he could muster.

Trait- Future Modeling Career
Athlete- David Beckham

David Beckham may be known as one of the best soccer players of all time, but to many ladies he is also known as one of the best Calvin Klein underwear models of all time.

Not only does Liam look like a professional model when the boys do photoshoots, he also looks like a model at LITERALLY ALL TIMES NO MATTER THE SITUATION. If the singing thing doesn't work out, I sure hope Calvin Klein is hiring.

Trait- Batman Obsession
Athlete- Matt Harvey

The New York Mets star pitcher has earned his nickname, "The Dark Knight". He is a superhero to Mets fans and his ERA proves why.  He even has his nickname engraved in his bats... seriously.

Liam has always been obsessed with all things Batman.  He even has Batman logo cufflinks along with hats, an apron, and every other piece of merchandise you can think of. Christian Bale er... Ben Affleck... (I can't keep track of who the current Batman is anymore) better watch out or Payno is going to steal his job.

Basically, Liam is David Beckham. He has been mistaken for Becks numerous times in the media, they both love soccer, and even their significant others look alike. I am also sure that Liam will look just as good if not better when he is David's age.

Harry Styles:

Trait- Hair
Athlete- Clay Matthews

Clay Matthews has the best hair in the NFL, hands down. I also had a dream once that I saw him in a hotel, asked him for his autograph, and he gave me dog food in return. Don't ask me why cause I have no clue. His long, luscious locks are admired by all football fans each season.

Harry Styles is known for his perfect hair. It just keeps getting longer and longer and at this point in time, I'm not sure if he will ever cut it. He can rock the man bun as well.
I had to compare his hair to Clay's since Harry loves his Green Bay Packers. I'm just curious to see who will get a haircut first.

Trait- Charm
Athlete- Derek Jeter

Derek Jeter is known as "The Captain" for a reason. He played the game of baseball the right way and was an amazing role model for all. His charming and kind spirit is what made you respect him, no matter which team you root for.

Harry is absolutely the charmer of the band. His fun, lively, and extremely kind spirit is what makes Harry such a likable person. No one ever has a bad thing to say about him... I mean when he stepped on a dog he apologized to it, he picked up a paparazzi's bag and handed it back to them, and he even gave a pap his leftovers from dinner one time. He always makes sure to thank all crew members, and is polite to everyone. He is also the first to help clean up when his fellow band members make a mess. His handsome looks and soothing accent help with the charm factor as well.

Trait- Media Perception
Athlete- Colin Kaepernick

Sure, 49ers Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick isn't perfect. He is a young athlete who sometimes makes mistakes. But, I believe that the media makes him look like less of a good person than he actually is. He is a man of God, loves his family, and is always giving back. His involvement with Camp Taylor shows just how dedicated he is to making a difference. He may seem cocky at times, but I believe that side of his personality is over exaggerated.

In the media, Harry is seen as the "Bad Boy" and the "Ladies Man". Harry is the farthest thing from a bad boy. He is one of the sweetest and most kind celebrities that you could come across. His charm and good looks make the ladies swoon, but just because Taylor Swift writes a song about you doesn't mean you are a bad person. I wish that all people could see Harry for who he truly is rather than believing everything that the media says to be true.

Trait- Tattoos
Athlete- Colin Kaepernick

Had to go with Kap again on this one. Colin's tats all have a meaning and actually look good on him. They go with his personality and help define his attitude. He is known for having several tattoos, just like Harry is.

Harry's number of tattoos have grown significantly in the past few years. Like Colin's, they all have a meaning to him and actually look good on him. From the butterfly on his tummy to the heart on his sleeve, his tattoos help define who he is.

Niall Horan:

Trait- Personality
Athlete- Brandon Moss

Wherever Brandon Moss is, he is loud, funny, and full of spirit. He is always up for having a good time and just loves living life. He even convinced his own son that Seth Smith is his other dad. Fun antics and a kind heart is what helps to make Brandon Moss such a lovable character.

Niall Horan has the most happy, fun, and carefree spirit of anyone I have ever seen. His gorgeous looks are obvious, but it is his personality that truly makes him so attractive. You can see that he loves life and is always up for having a good time. You can't help but be happy when watching Niall simply be himself.

Trait- Eyes
Athlete- Kris Bryant

The Chicago Cubs rookie has become quite popular with the female fans. His beautiful eyes, along with his beautiful swing will make him popular with all baseball fans for years to come.

One of the first things you notice about Niall when you look at him is his gorgeous blue eyes. I have never seen anyone with eyes that shade of blue before. I keep telling myself if I ever meet him I have to look in his eyes even though I would be as nervous as ever. People say they're even  more beautiful in person, which I can't even comprehend. I have to stop talking about his eyes now or I will have a meltdown...

Trait- Laugh
Athlete- Kevin Millar

If you watch Intentional Talk on MLB Network or are a Boston Red Sox fan, you know who Kevin Millar is and you know how great his laugh is. His laugh pairs nicely with his great personality.

Niall's laugh is literally my favorite sound in the world. It may sound cheesy, but it makes you smile and laugh yourself the instant that you hear it. His laugh also pairs nicely with his personality. Take a listen for yourself:

Trait- Strong Selfie Game
Athlete- Bryce Harper
Bryce Harper's Instagram is filled with great selfies. His batting average isn't the only thing that's hot.
I live for Niall selfies to be honest. Every time he posts one it makes my day. I don't care how lame that sounds. I mean, the man owns a selfie stick and is the self proclaimed selfie king. If I ever get the chance to take a picture with him, I will ask him to take the selfie out of pure respect. 

Trait- Accents & Impressions
Athlete- Stephen Vogt

Stephen Vogt is known for being a valuable asset behind the plate, but his impressions (Chris Farley, NBA Ref, among others) are amazing too. He could easily have a career in comedy if he wasn't a baseball player.

Niall is amazing at impersonations and accents. He can literally imitate anyone or anything- his own bandmates, Olly Murs, Chris Rock, Enrique Iglesias, or even the Godfather. There are just too many for me to recount, listen and laugh for yourself:

Trait- Baby face
Athlete- Sonny Gray

Sonny Gray doesn't look like he should already be a father, but he is. Even though he may look like he just graduated from high school, he is one of the best pitchers in the MLB and one of my favorite A's players.

Niall has matured over the years, but he still has a signature baby face. His blonde hair and blue eyes along with his fun spirit lead you to think he is younger than he is. He is often mistaken for being the youngest in the group, but Harry is actually the youngest.

See how much a music group can compare to your favorite athletes?! I love being able to combine my obsessions and show why I love them both so much. If you have prejudged One Direction or are not fond of watching sports, I suggest you give them both a try. The things that you love are not so different when you really think about it.

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