Monday, February 29, 2016

Nick McSwisher - The Breakfast Giver

What's better than McDonalds breakfast in the morning? Apparently this is a mantra Nick Swisher likes to live by. Yesterday morning, before Spring Training workouts, the Braves veteran decided to spoil the fans who had come to watch. He had bought several McMuffins at McDonalds and proceeded to throw them to fans. Considering his charisma and kind heart, this did not come as a surprise to fans; but was a reminder to us all that such a small gesture really can brighten someone's day. In addition to gifting the fans McDonalds, he also signed their McMuffin wrappers. In my opinion, an autograph is way better than any Happy Meal toy McDonalds has ever offered. Fans who received a sandwich from Swisher, expressed their gratitude over twitter and Swish responded, "My pleasure! @McDonalds for everyone." Looks like Ronald McDonald has some competition. Spring Training... We're lovin it.

Photo: Twitter- @NickSwisher 

Video of Swish delivering the McDonalds to fans:

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