Monday, July 20, 2015

One Direction On the Road Again Tour Santa Clara- Levi's Stadium

I know it has now been over a week since OTRA Santa Clara, but I literally could not bring myself to write about it until now. Post Concert Depression is very real and has been taking over my life for the past week. When I went to the Rose Bowl on Niall's Birthday during the Where We Are Tour, I told myself that I would never experience that amazing of a concert again... I was wrong.

We headed down to Santa Clara on Friday, the night before the concert. We stayed at a nearby hotel, not wanting to park on a golf course again and sit in traffic afterwards for three hours like we did in Pasadena last September. Before dinner that night we took a walk over to Levi's and saw the stage being set up and tested as well as took a walk around outside the beautiful stadium. The setup of Levi's Stadium is small, simple, but very sophisticated as well. Even their trash cans were awesome.

The next morning I reluctantly ate breakfast with a nervous stomach & got ready. We walked over and purchased our merch and got in line. We talked with others, passed out some 1DFansGive stickers, and got massive sunburns/windburns that were well worth it. One girl behind us in line "bragged" and said she "saw Paul earlier today" and I was dying inside with want to tell her. That was the only carroty encounter of the day, thankfully except for the 12 year olds in I Heart 1D shirts going from floor to floor in our hotel trying to find the boys (they weren't there). If they were old enough to have a twitter, they would have known that the boys flew in and out of NorCal the same day. Once it was time to go in, we were just thankful that our bags were accepted through security. One thing that sucks about Levi's is their HORRENDOUS bag policy. Thank God I am a Niners fan and had a acceptable clear bag.

Getting to go on the field was amazing. I knew I was going to be able to see the boys much clearer than in Pasadena, and as a huge 49ers fan, it was awesome to be able to sit where my boys play.

One Direction's opening act, Icona Pop came on at 7. They were fine, I wasn't a huge fan though. I was dying with anticipation for the boys to come out. I had seen them in person before, but never this close. I was freaking out knowing that this time it would hit me that they are actually REAL PEOPLE.

The boys came out at around 9pm. They were absolutely fantastic, as per usual. I love sports and the feelings a game can give me, but no game can ever compare to the feelings a One Direction concert gives me. Seeing their beautiful faces right before my eyes, hearing their gorgeous voices live without lip syncing like most artists today, and seeing them interact with the crowd always makes me feel so proud to call them my role models and idols. They truly are genuine, normal guys living out their dreams. They are so talented, it's ridiculous.

There were so many amazing moments. I have to highlight a few.....

Liam- Changing the lyrics in Steal My Girl to "Every jaw drop when she's in Levi Jeans"
Breakdancing to Rock Your Body by JT
Pretending to eat Niall's Hamburger Hat
Laying with Niall when Harry told us to give the person next to us a hug
Being Daddy AF constantly

Harry- Gold Boots
Making the crowd moan with him
Freaking out cause the 9 months pregnant lady left early
Cardboard Cutout of himself during SOML
Packers Cheese Head
Having no chill, whatsoever

Niall- The "Where We Going Today Mark?" he posted on Instagram before the show
Square Dancing with Liam during Act My Age
Saying "Hella" in a California accent like 100 times throughout the entire concert
Talking about Levi's Stadium and how it's "brand spankin new"
Getting huffy cause a fan was throwing water at him when he had his electric guitar "Electricity."
"It's the Niall Tour"
Dancing like a leprechaun during Act My Age
Wearing a hamburger hat
Suggestive facial expressions while singing
"Harry, I need to do a wee, wait for me"
Being the hottest little Irish noodle I've ever seen

Louis- Pinching Liam's nipple during Little Things
Playing Rock Paper Scissors with Liam
"I'm gonna go for a piss"
Thanking us for the 'No Control Project'
Saying "Santa Clara" in his amazingly precious English accent
Slaying No Control
Being the perfect hedgehog/English Muffin that he is

After the concert, I took a minute to try to figure out if I was still alive. I collected some Levi's Stadium field grass for my sports collection, took the Levi's floor seat signs, collected some Stockholm Syndrome Streamers and we began our trek back to the hotel, after taking a picture with the field/stage behind us.

I also saw this on the camera stand as we left. How much ya wanna bet it was Louis?------------>

When we got back to the hotel, we could see the traffic for getting out of the parking lot and were immediately thankful we chose to stay overnight. I sat at the desk in the hotel room and just stared at the wall for awhile trying to comprehend what I had just witnessed. I know that sounds ridiculous, but when you see their perfect faces maybe 10 feet from you and hear their voices live, you can't help but question the meaning of life. The post concert depression began the second the concert ended, and I still haven't recovered. Hell, I still have Rose Bowl PCD. All in all, it was the most amazing night of my life.

My sister took AMAZING video of the concert. I will link the Youtube playlist here. She recorded all songs except Don't Forget Where You Belong, Alive, and Diana. I took videos of the boys talking and Story of My Life with my iPhone if you wanna watch:

P.S. One annoying story from the night: This old lady was sat next to me in my row. She had a couple kids with her, YOUNG kids. When the concert started, they couldn't see (even though they could've cared less), so she took them closer. Naturally, I moved down the row so I could get an even better view (along with the other people in my row). The security finally made her go back to her seat during Little Things. Right as Niall's part came on she comes up to me rudely and barks that we are all in her seats all while pushing on me. If you know me, you know that the two things you do not do to me are interrupt me watching a sporting event or interrupt me during a Niall solo. I ignored her and sang along while staring at the perfection that is Niall James Horan until he had finished. I then told my mom to scoot over cause the lady had come back. I may not have said it nicely and I know the lady heard me, but I was so annoyed with her. They left after Story of My Life, apparently not realizing that there were still 4 songs to be sung during the encore.... Here's a PSA: ONE DIRECTION ARE NOT FOR CHILDREN. Several crotch grabs, suggestive lyrics, Harry moaning, Liam being Liam, Harry during the "You can get, get anything that you want" part in Kiss You, Niall thrusting during Diana, and just No Control in general are a few examples of why not to bring your 4 year old to a concert. I mean her one boy just stared up at me the entire time (not that it stopped me from acting 1DAF). And ladies, let's think next time before we interrupt a teenaged girl from watching her favorite band, especially when her favorite member is singing. Simply ask me to scoot down so you can fit back in, AFTER THE SONG HAS FINISHED. Stay in your assigned seats, and stay in your lane.